Optional Admin Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • When you are much too busy working on your site or developing your apps, you hardly have the time to keep track of what is happening with your VPS – if it is overloaded or if all the processes are running okay. With our Optional Admin Services package, we will do this for you. Your virtual server will be included in the custom server monitoring software system and the second there is a sign of a trouble, our sysadmins will be alerted instantaneously.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Weekly Backups

  • Making a backup of a VPS Hosting Plan isn’t the simplest assignment on earth. You will either have to use some other server or your computer, or deploy a third–party software. Our company offers a much simpler option with our Optional Admin Services deal. We’ll create a full backup copy of your virtual server every single week, so you never need to fear losing vital data. Plus, we can recover a backup very fast. All our backups are held on a special server with a RAID hard drive array, so if anything happens to your content, we’ve got your back.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • While a Virtual Private Server offers you an almost infinite set of possibilities, you will sometimes have to install additional software packages. And that is where our Installation & Troubleshooting solution can help you out. It’s an integral part of our Optional Admin Services deal, which entitles you to call for any of our knowledgeable technical support engineers to install and set up any kind of software package and to solve any issue that you are having with your server.

    Our Optional Admin Services deal is bundled with most of our OpenVZ VPS Hosting Plans. It’s an optional feature with the KVM VPS Hosting Plans.

Avalable with all our VPS Servers