Monthly Traffic in Cloud Website Hosting
All our cloud website hosting plans were designed with the idea to handle the website traffic produced by any kind of web site that can function in such an account. In case you currently have one or a few different small-scale or medium-sized websites, you won't be limited by the monthly website traffic quota whatever the content you have - plain text and / or many images, for instance. The statistics inside the hosting Control Panel provides you with in-depth info about the website traffic produced by every single web site and the amount for your account altogether. The numbers are updated live and show both the day-to-day and the monthly usage, so that you will be aware of how much data is transferred to and from the website hosting account at any time. The very first day of each and every month your counter is reset, but you'll be able to view the web site traffic statistics for the past months, that will give you an idea how your websites perform.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated server packages are very powerful and you can operate various sites from a single account. The monthly website traffic feature suits that power, so what you will receive is a website hosting account with truly limitless information transfer. As a result, your websites can grow as much as it is possible with this type of website hosting and you can receive as many site visitors as you wish. For better website and account administration, you can check out what amount of site traffic each of your web sites generates, however we won't set a limit. For your benefit, you will be able to view hourly, daily and monthly stats as well as the individual pages that are visited the most, and files that are downloaded the most. Using our semi-dedicated hosting plans, you'll never concern yourself with getting to any traffic cap so you're able to concentrate on improving your sites and receiving more visitors.
Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers
All the VPS hosting plans that we offer have a monthly traffic allowance proportional to the resources they come with. The more disk storage and processing power a server offers, the more probable it is you will host more web sites on it, consequently the traffic you can use will increase with each and every package. In case you need extra traffic at some point, you'll be able to enhance the package via your billing Control Panel with no more than a couple of clicks and the extra resources, including the larger traffic quota, will be added to your current account. You'll also be able to view how much data has been transferred to and from your virtual server any time. To be on the safe side, we'll inform you when you reach 90% of your allowance to provide you with the required time to react and reduce your site traffic or update the package if needed. Through your control panel, you can view the traffic stats for every domain or subdomain in your VPS account.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers
With a dedicated server, you'll have a very powerful hosting product at your disposal and the site traffic allowance you will get suits all the other features. Your server can make terabytes of website traffic each month, therefore irrespective of the kind or amount of sites that you host, you will never need to worry about them being unavailable as a result of not sufficient traffic. To be on the safe side however, we'll give you the opportunity to update this feature if required. We will notify you well ahead of time if you get close to the limit, so you'll have the option to update or lower the site traffic by optimizing your content avoiding any interruption of the work of your websites. You are able to view the consumed and remaining traffic for the present month via the administration panel that we provide. The data there features all of the incoming as well as all of the outgoing transfers, like software installations and updates. In contrast, a hosting Control Panel features more detailed data, however only for the site traffic to and from a web hosting account, not your server altogether.