RAM, which means Random Access Memory, is a computer storage media that is accessed noticeably faster than a hard disk, simply because the information can be read randomly, skipping the bytes before the needed info is reached. On a web server, the RAM is employed to load scripts and web programs when they are executed, so the more RAM you may use, the more programs you shall be able to run simultaneously and the more people shall be able to surf your sites without effect on the site’s/server’s general performance. Unlike a disk drive, however, the RAM is employed for temporary storage purposes, because the info is lost when the power is shut off. If you use a shared web hosting account, the physical memory your scripts may use may be limited and can change based upon what the some other clients on the same server use. Using a virtual or a dedicated hosting server, alternatively, you will have a guaranteed amount of RAM which will not be used by others even when you don't use it at a certain time.

Guaranteed RAM in VPS Servers

If you obtain a VPS server through us, you'll have a set amount of RAM at your disposal at all times. We create the VPS accounts on effective hardware nodes with a lot of physical memory, so when a new virtual server is set up, the RAM is allotted entirely to it in accordance with the particular features of the selected package. We never re-allocate RAM from a VPS that does not use all of its resources to one that requires more resources, so you shall be able to use the features of your plan at their full capacity at any time. We set up only several VPS accounts on a physical server and we make certain that it has enough memory to allow all the customers on it to upgrade the RAM which their servers are using without affecting the other accounts.

Guaranteed RAM in Dedicated Servers

When you buy one of our dedicated server packages, you'll get a top-notch server with enough RAM to run even a number of resource-demanding web apps with no effect on the overall efficiency of any of them. Because we test every single hardware component before we use it when we set up a web server, we will make sure that the RAM sticks are not defective and that the web server performs flawlessly. The physical memory that you will get shall be available at all times, so even in times in which you use just a part of it for any period of time, we will never change the configuration. You shall be able to take a look at the hardware, including the amount of RAM that you have, in the billing CP.