Dedicated IP Address in Cloud Website Hosting
We provide dedicated IPs with all our cloud website hosting plans irrespective of the data center location and you can purchase one or several IPs through your Hepsia Control Panel. An extra section will appear inside your account and you will be able to request, delete or view your IPs with just a few clicks. You're able to decide what number of websites or subdomains will use a given IP as you can assign one with a couple of clicks to any hostname. For instance, can be your main website, which uses a server's shared IP, and can be your subdomain where you offer goods or services on the web and it could have a dedicated IP address combined with an SSL certificate. You can switch the IP which a domain uses via the Hosted Domains section where you can also keep track which IPs are in use and which ones are available. You may also set a couple of of your websites to use the same dedicated IP given that there is no SSL set up for it.
Dedicated IP Address in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you buy a semi-dedicated server account through our company, you will get the opportunity to acquire as many dedicated IPs as you would like depending on the needs you have. It takes just a few clicks in the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel to acquire a new IP and several more so as to assign it to a domain or a subdomain. The process is very easy and your site will start loading from the new IP address very quickly. Hepsia will enable you to see all of the IP addresses that you will be able to use, both shared and dedicated, and which of the latter are free or taken. Provided you would like to use an SSL certificate on some of your sites and you need a dedicated IP for it, you can take full advantage of our SSL order wizard, which can assign a new IP and set up the certificate once you upload your order, so you won't need to change anything in your semi-dedicated hosting account manually.
Dedicated IP Address in VPS Servers
If you obtain a VPS server from our company, you'll get a dedicated IP address as standard and another one if you obtain a web hosting Control Panel (Hepsia, cPanel, DirectAdmin). You can use the IPs for any sort of purpose - a website, some web application such as a VOIP server, even for private name servers that you are able to use to point to your VPS any website which you intend to host. You may also add more dedicated IP addresses to the VPS account every time you need them. This can be done through the billing Control Panel that you'll obtain so as to control renewals, upgrade purchases and domain registrations and it will take no more than a few clicks. Soon after you send your order, the extra IP addresses will be accessible, so you are able to use them as you see fit.
Dedicated IP Address in Dedicated Servers
Due to the fact that you'll be able to run pretty much anything on a dedicated server, all our packages come with three dedicated IP addresses included as standard. If you need to launch some server software or to install an SSL certificate for a site that you host on the machine, you can use the IPs that we provide you with absolutely free. You may also register child name servers with one or two of the IPs for any domain name that you've registered through us or somewhere else and use them to direct other domains to the dedicated server. If you run a hosting company, for example, this option will contribute to your credibility as a standalone provider. When you need more IP addresses than the three the plans feature, you are able to purchase extra ones in increments of three either throughout the signup process or through your billing Control Panel any time.